

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Well, that was a pretty crazy week!  After a very tame winter so far, the weatherman finally had to earn his paycheck last week!  Of course, they were a full two days off for when the snow would come - but came indeed, it did!  We got a few inches and Seattle did the only thing that Seattle knows how to do when the white stuff falls...SHUT DOWN! 

I worked from home on MLK, Jr. Day, and we met up with the Kid Mafia (Mollie, Miles, Jack, Roark, Tatum, and Jesse) at Phinney Market up on Phinney Ridge for some happy hour food, drink, and catching up with good friends.  It was a lot of fun, started the week off right!  I'm actually kind of miffed why Microsoft doesn't take MLK, Jr. Day off in the first place - I'm taking it off from this point on, no matter what.  It's ridiculous, and fired me up for the entire day.  Thankfully, the Hueys reserved a table for 30 at the restaurant so I could wash away my anger with a nice amber and some soup....

Tuesday was when all the big weather was supposed to hit, which was concerning as I had half my team in town for something they call "Licensing University."  Yep, my job is pretty darned geeky if you have to have a "school" for four days to get people the 101 level information they need.  The problem is, they only offer this classwork once every year.  One of the gals on my team, while new to Microsoft, has worked with Microsoft licensing for years.  She could have written the syllabus.  Instead, she just distracted everybody, and then proceeded to lead a snow angel walk-out / revolt on Thursday with the rest of the students.  Go figure. 

Anyway, the snow didn't come on Tuesday.  I stayed in sunny Bellevue all day, even for a team dinner late that snow.  But it was cold, and Wednesday brought the chaos!  I couldn't get off the hill on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, so I had to work from home.  Basically, Parker and I got to wear the matching PJ's Treva got us all and he listened to more conference calls in between naps...good times!

This snowstorm reminded us of our very first winter in Queen Anne, when we were snowed in and walked to Fremont with the beagle at least twice to meet the Hueys for drinks.  Thankfully, the snow wasn't as bad this time around, but we still had the good friends to meet up with for company!  Parker loved the snow.  Well, not really - he liked watching the snow, and he was so bundled up, he surely didn't feel the cold.  But watching the cars try and get by our house on McGraw was pretty fascinating for both Totten boys, and he'll remember it forever!

Good thing we have some indoor activities to keep him busy.....can't tell below if he's happy or not :).


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