

Monday, December 19, 2011

Back on Track!

I do this ALL the time with the blogging business....fall into rhythm, just to tumble back out.  To be fair, I'm not a natural born writer - I do talk a lot though, and once you hit a certain level/volume of audible communications, it may just make more sense for the sake of your vocal cords and for the love of those around you to start typing things out.  I'm a really good writer in email, probably due to kicking out an average of 600 mails a day since I joined Microsoft.  There are a lot of smiley faces and exclamation points though, a "best practice" I will be making a focused effort to land in this blog as well.  

I also took a new job in November, managing a team of people based in Central Region US, Minnesota to Texas.  Turns out managing a team of folks that are geography-based, specifically in a geography where I myself am not physically located, seems to be just a wee bit more time intensive than I originally thought.  But it's all good, my ramp-up time with the new space has been educational and exciting, and I like the majority of my new team members, which is a significant win any day of the week in my book!

All of this to say, I'll get better at the blogging, I promise. 

A lot of updates to come on PJT, stay tuned.  And thanks again for visiting.  Oh, sorry, one more try:  "Oh, and THANKS AGAIN for visiting!!!!  :) "


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