An ongoing debate in Circle of Trust that is our friends, family, colleagues, and my imaginary friends...who does Parker Jackson Totten actually look more like? I dedicate this entry to all those who we love and love playing the "who does he look like more" game with us. I know it seems like it could get old, but it doesn't - endless amounts of look-a-like assignments!
When he
first came out, fresh in the hospital, the comparisons and similarity
declarations were frequent and confident – by hospital staff, friends and
family, the dude who wheeled Treva down to the car on our way out. But as a newborn, it’s really difficult to
tell – at least I thought so. Immediately, you notice the eyes of a newborn, so I thought for sure he was my son. Until, I was told that all babies are born with blue eyes, something to do with recessive and dominant genes. Which, by the way, I'm almost certain I learned about at the infamous Camas High School, but for some reason, could not recount the net of the facts. I was provided a cliff notes version of this story in Chelan this year by Lars and Shannon - again, kind of hazy on the memories. Anyway, his eyes were blue but instead of being from the simple fact that he is indeed, "my son," turns out he's just a baby with recessive genes.
So the eyes won't work for our first comparison nod. Instead, as noted in Exhibit 1, we analyze body structure.
Exhibit 1 - "I love it when you call me Big Poppa" |
One of these babies is yours truly, the other is Parker. I see a LOT of similarities here. I was just at my eye doctor the other day and she explained to me that babies look most like their fathers for about the first six months of their life as a survival motion. Otherwise, as is the case in nature, if a father's son does not look like the father, there is a risk that dear old daddy would want to abandon and/or eat his child. I searched for this theory on wikipedia, and it's true, dad's want their sons to have some of their characteristics early on. And such is the case with our little man - he clearly has my nose, my eyelashes, and my...belly. I haven't eaten him yet as proof that apparently I believe he resembles me. I would say that since he was born, we hear more that he looks like me than Treva - the lady at the coffee shop a month in told me that he looks exactly like me, a little "Mini Me" if you will....well, while we may have similarities, an exact match is a little much. I mean, I have hair - albeit thinning, I still have it. But closer to me than Mrs. Totten early on.....more data needed.
Exhibit 2 - "Food Coma shows our natural state" |
Parker squirms a lot, so it's also difficult to hold him still long enough to do appropriate comparisons. But, we have discovered that directly after eating, he has a space-off period where he lets his body digest and his mind relaxes. As you can see in Exhibit 2, he's a much cleaner eater than Treva was as a baby. But notice how his nose looks next to hers, and look at the shape of his eyes, and his eyebrow, forehead - I'm seeing a lot of Momma Tots in this kid all of a sudden. Funny, and true story: a couple of months ago, one of the nice women in the Church Nursery told me that he looks exactly like me, except for his eyes, and his cheeks - those are his mother's. Now I'm not a woman, but it seems to me that having an infant with chipmunk-chubby cheeks compared to the likeness of your own cheeks...well, that's not a comfortable image. By the way, as you all know, my wife is smokin' hot, and I'm pretty sure the Church Lady was referring to bone structure in the cheeks, not the volume of material in those gills...After closer examination, I concur!
Exhibit 3: "Just Close your Peepers" |
He's a better sleeper than I am, but Exhibit 3 suggests that at one point in time, I did sleep well. The pictures above have been rotated so for all you physics majors out there, we're not sleeping standing up. But what you'll notice here is equally chubby cheeks on both sides and while you cannot see my legs, you know I've got some pudgy ones. I was a man-child of an infant - as previously noted, 11 pounds and 4 ounces of fury. Look at Parker's legs in Exhibit 3. Rolls all over the place, they look like gigantic sausages! That's how my arms were, that's how my legs were. He's a chubby bunny, just like his old man! While you cannot see it in this picture, Grandma Totten was quick to point out that Parker has a dimple in his chin, just like Grandpa Totten. Well, that skipped my generation, but Dianna called that out the day he was born - and he still has it! If you look closely at my picture, I had a little dimple there as well early on. Again, looking like his old man....MORE DATA!
Exhibit 4: "We have a Match!" |
Folks, I think we have a winner. These are like mirror images of each other, tell me I'm wrong! The one on the right is standing, the one on the left is not - but besides that, you could put tracing paper over them and wouldn't miss a beat!
While this last Exhibit is enough evidence to convince me whose child this actually is, it looks like we'll have to keep close tabs on Parker as he continues to grow, and his features (and backside) continue to mature. Personally, I think he's looking more and more like his mother every day, and I love that - I think his mom looks good. But we had a good run little man, you've still got some of me poking around in there! Regardless of dominant traits, he's a pretty good lookin' mashup of the two of us. Ask him, he'll tell you :).
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