

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

4 months = NO IDEA how many weeks

So, who started the whole, "how many weeks is your baby" thing?  I mean, weeks run out - that's why we have months.  And months run out, hence why we have years.  I have never, and I mean NEVER, given my age in months or weeks.  Could you imagine?  So if you are one of those people who have asked me how many weeks old my child is (my wife not included), I don't know the answer.  But he was born on July 27th and I bet you could find an app for your smartphone that would get you the answer with greater velocity and less vitriol than this guy would.  From now on, when asked, my baby is “less than 1 years old.”  Until July 28th of next year anyway. 

Sorry, where was I going....oh yeah, the kid is getting older.  We noticed a lot of change (physically) that first month but now, even though we know he’s getting bigger and growing like a chia pet, the pictures between three and four months are less distinguishable.  I can tell which is which – but only because I’m his dad and I've got it like that.  Well, and because there is a giant “3” or “4” next to him. 

See for yourself, chase the "Tag" at the bottom and see the series.  All the way back to when he was 20,160 minutes old. 

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