

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Awake and Alert!

We're spending more and more time with Parker working on his wake time skills - one of which is tummy time.  We got a great tip from a couple of friends to prop the little man up on pillows and the sort and see how long he can bounce his head around.  He's getting stronger and stronger and really enjoys making eyes at Treva and I, even sneaking in some laughs and smiles every once in a while.  Of course, all good things must come to an end - that Totten noggin of his gets heavy after a bit and he starts to lose his patience and collective reasoning, which leads to Parker moving from diplaying how strong his neck is to providing his best impression of an ambulance siren.  In any case, he can wail all he wants if he does this good during tummy time :).  We'll take that bad with this good, ha!

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