

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A man of the people...

Two true statements:
  1. Since we've had Parker, Treva and I have altered our lifestyles a considerable amount.  All scheduling items revolve around his nap and feeding times, or sporting events, and we take him with us everywhere.  I read that we're not supposed to leave him alone at home.
  2. Parker loves The People - doesn't matter how we need to change our schedules, he's a social butterfly and loves visiting with friends and family.  Which again, we're blessed and thankful to have some extremely special members in the illustrious "friends and family" circle.
He's obviously an active participant in the 114 Section of Sounders home games, so he knows all of his fellow fans quite a bit.  I don't have many pictures of those people though - primarily because there's a guy named Reggie close by who shouts a lot and uses rather obscene hand gestures on a regular basis which always seem to creep into any camera shots I could ever hope to, we'll skip the 114 Section. 

Closely related though are good friends Kasey and Tyler, a couple we first met through matchmakers Lars and Shannon and who are charter members of our DP dinner party group.  Kasey announced she was pregnant shortly after Treva did they were a lot of fun to visit with and catch up.  It's an incredible experience to share in tips, tricks, and techniques with good friends who are going through the same thing.  Kasey and Tyler were over at our place the weekend before Parker was born and we were discussing baby names - feels like just yesterday!  Then all of a sudden, here we are, having eggs and coffee cake discussing tummy time and bottle feeding techniques.  Crazy!  The Little Free baby is officially named Jackson Clark - Kasey's maiden name is Clark and they named him Jackson after Treva's family name.  Or, it's just a really cool name :) - funny and ironic we both had some Jackson in our names, friends for life!  Jackson Clark looks less than happy in these pictures, not representative of that cute smile we know he has! 

Next significant meet-and-greet occurred with our bi-annual Damian visit.  Damian coming to town provides a boost of good times for everybody - Treva, of course, loves seeing her big brother and talking about his travels and sharing stories of old.  I love Damian because he goes to Targy's with me and provides the ever-important majority vote for TV control.  Olive the beagle loves Damian because she has somebody to hang out with during the day who's willing to take her on walks.  Damian's like a community servant for just our little community here - he's invaluable, and his visits are always filled with fun and lasting memories!  It's fun to see Damian with Parker - he definitely grew on Damian over the course of the week and we are so happy to have Uncle Damian in Parker's life, we can't wait for the next visit!

Matt and Sarah are repeat visitors and Parker has become very comfortable with each of them, and even Cousin Bam-Bam.  They are actually expecting a new little Johnson in about five months or so, a little girl for Parker and Philip to tease and protect for the next sixty years.  We're extremely excited to have another baby in the family - we love babies here - but equally (perhaps even a smidgen more) excited for Matt to go out and procure all those cute baby girl clothes so I don't have to do the same if we're ever blessed with a little girl as well.  Treva is going to get mad that I said that.  So I take it back.  Treva's not "equally" excited for that benefit, just I am.  Regardless, a baby girl joining the Jackson-side family tree is going to be a lot of fun and we can't wait!  Needless to say, Philip has some getting used to having another baby around, so Parker provides a nice test subject for Matt and Sarah to gauge how Philip will react to the mini-him.  So far, SO GOOD!  Philip is a champ!  Just don't mess with his cars too much, and he's all good! 

Those are just a few of our visits the past month, many more to document at another time.  For now, we're all tired and we need some rest.....turn the light off when you leave friends, look forward to seeing you again!


First Quarter Completed!

Another milestone in the Totten household as Master Parker celebrated his first three months!  Clearly, this blog is just a wee bit behind (I'll get better!!) since I'm actually just about completing the planning for his 4-month birthday party (there will be clowns, pretty dancing girls, enough macaroni and cheese to feed a Triple-A high school, and lots of ice cream).  Even though we're a little tardy with the post, still important to note the 3-month milestone.  It just all came so fast!  Tell the kid to stop growing!!

While we're celebrating birthdays, let's not forget about another large milestone in the 418 - Olive the Beagle had herself a grand old party for her birthday as well!  No dancing girls or ice cream, but she did get some chicken broth mixed in with her food AND she got permission to sit on the couch...that's pretty much paradise for an old lady beagle like her! 

Happy Birthday my loves!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Trying this video ONE MORE TIME!  Let's see if we can get this crazy technology to work...

Again, read the post below for context :).


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Awake and Alert!

We're spending more and more time with Parker working on his wake time skills - one of which is tummy time.  We got a great tip from a couple of friends to prop the little man up on pillows and the sort and see how long he can bounce his head around.  He's getting stronger and stronger and really enjoys making eyes at Treva and I, even sneaking in some laughs and smiles every once in a while.  Of course, all good things must come to an end - that Totten noggin of his gets heavy after a bit and he starts to lose his patience and collective reasoning, which leads to Parker moving from diplaying how strong his neck is to providing his best impression of an ambulance siren.  In any case, he can wail all he wants if he does this good during tummy time :).  We'll take that bad with this good, ha!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Baby Nair!

As previously posted, Parker is officially a "blood cousin" for the second time, this time with a little bit of international flair.  I wanted to post some pictures of Baby Girl Nair, who by all accounts is doing marvelously well in Bangalore at the moment.  In customary Indian tradition, we do not have a name for Baby Girl until 28 days after birth, where Kelly and Anil will travel to his hometown of Cochin and have a naming ceremony with his family.  Parker and I discussed this over the past week, and we've come up with our "Top 5" Cousin Names list, in priority / favorite order:

  1. Mickey (as in, "hey Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, HEY MICKEY!!")
  2. Karisma - double meaning of "charisma" obviously, and also serves as the name of one of the most popular Bollywood actresses (seriously, google'll find her).
  3. Natalya - We have needed a Russian in the family for a long, long time.
  4. Maker - after my favorite bourbon, and a versatile name applying relevancy to any noun / feeling you can think of..."Trouble...Maker"...."Deal...Maker"...."Doo-doo...Maker"
  5. Georgia - As in, the Peach of the Family.  Or Buckwheat because of all that hair.  Okay, total of Top 6 names. 
In any case, I'm sure the name will match the beauty of this baby and we're so happy to have her in the family!  More pictures below, we love you Cousin Nair, welcome to the family!!
