

Sunday, October 2, 2011

And the weekend winds down...

Not a long post tonight but I just want to go on the record...we have the best friends on the entire planet!  Every night this weekend was spent with some of our closest and most loved ones, and we're so very blessed to have such quality people in our lives!  A fantastic weekend was capped off with dinner the Huey Gang after an enjoyable day of church-going and football-gambling, both of which Parker is legitimately an "expert" at - impressive for only a couple of months old! 

Roark Huey was so very sweet to Parker, coming up and touching his bald spot in between hugs and kisses.  Pretty cute :).  He managed to get a little jealous only once, but he moved past that pretty quickly to playing and having fun in ths new world only known to him as "a house that isn't baby-proofed yet."  He didn't fall in the fireplace - so, all is good! 

Greg and Tiffany both started new jobs recently so it was nice to get a 30-day progress report and to see how they're coping with different schedules and responsibilities.  It feels like that's Treva and I every week, still trying to figure out the right rhythm!  Speaking of rhythms, Parker had a great day today, lots of wake-time and a long nap tonight before his night-time feeding.  It does feel like he's able to sleep more soundly now (when we let him), and being awake has turned into a mix between "happy and curious Parker" and "really ticked off Parker."  This is in sharp contrast to the first month of his life when wake time was at a premium, and if he was awake, there's an above average chance he wasn't happy about it.  He looks around all the time now, and we continue to find new positions during wake-time that seem to inspire him to giggle and glance around aimlessly.  Kind of like me at work between 2-2:30pm. 

Anyway, all God's people have a ridiculously productive and blessed week - we love you all!


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