Here at Team Totten, we love our weekends! Come, celebrate with us, the water is warm!!
After a significant build up of concern heading into last night's sleep routine, Parker was an absolute champ. He slept 5 hours straight, and had a gigantic smile on his face when I went into get him for his midnight snack. So rewarding! But then, he remembered that it can't be all peacocks and daisies (he is a Totten, mind you), so I wouldn't say it was his best feeding...that and he decided to projectile just about everything inside of him all over the place leading to my first trial of Oxyclean Stain Remover (insert trademark sign here), followed by some heavy scrubbing and an occasional curse - I mean, who doesn't clean their walls and clothes hamper at 4am? I can tell you...Oxyclean isn't perfect.
Only in America. Fact. |
Parker's new trick when I give him a bottle is to sneeze. It's awesome - remember when you were a kid and you were trying to make milkshakes or a smoothie or something, you turned the blender on high and then took the lid off? And milk went everywhere?! That's what my face looks like when I'm hovering over him with a bottle and he sneezes. It's marvelous. Happened three times last night in fact. He laughed after the last one. We had a talk - I think we're clear now on what works and what doesn't.
A classic morning at The 418, kicked off with breakfast for Parker and coffee for the bride and I. I made breakfast for us, and Treva and I made faces at Parker for about an hour to keep him awake, good times! Then, I raced off to Idaho (actually, it was only Carnation, WA where farms and mosquitoes are the only things around...kind of feels like a state away) and participate in something the kids refer to as a "Hell Run" organized free-for-all 5k in the mud complete with pits, walls, barbed wire, and large men with wrestling masks on. I run a lot - but never in three feet of mud. That was weird. But, we finished and nobody hurt themselves...that I know about. So a good deed done - cherished mud hounds Kyle and Hepler to the right.

Tonight was a special treat for Master Parker - Moshi Moshi with the Huhmensons! His first sushi experience, and at happy hour prices! Moshi Moshi is one of our favorite restaurants in all land, and while he didn't get any spicy tuna rolls, he took the bottle pretty well in the restaurant and no major meltdowns. That is absolutely a victory for us!
Today I thought a lot about how filthy I was, and the fact that for some reason, it was my own doing. And that quickly followed by imagining how much dirt PJT will be tracking in one day, and not at all realize he's doing it. Boys love dirt, and our hardwoods love attention....I can't wait!
Until tomorrow, the guidance I leave you with: drive safely after a mud run...The good Lord forbid anything should happen on the way home....your underwear is dirty.