

Monday, September 26, 2011

Work stinks....

It's Monday, I had to go into work today - and it was a LONGGGGGG day.  And I started thinking about my life and what has become of it.  While very blessed with my professional path and the opportunities I have developed since grad school, it is time to come clean - work just stinks.  I would much rather be at home watching Bourne Supremecy for the 15th time during wake-time after the lunch feeding, while sitting in sweat pants and some sort of logo-gear sweatshirt.  Having the past three days to hang out with Mrs. Totten and's just not the same having to leave them for the day.

Speaking of blessings beyond belief, Treva and I celebrated seven glorious years of marriage together last night.  And although it seems like just yesterday that I convinced her to deal with me forever (over bottomless soup, salad, and breadsticks), we've had plenty to be thankful for over the past seven years....we talked a lot about our favorite memories, and there have been some good ones!  Some of my favorites, with stories a plenty for Parker J when he learns to read and comprehend classic bullet point presentation style:
  • Buying the Bellevue house...and bringing Olive home to it
  • Paris trips to visit the European half of FC Italy (The Johnsons)
  • Moving out of the Bellevue house, taking advantage of every square inch of the storage POD, and then taking off for our three-week voyage to Italy, France while the Queen Anne house was going through Phase 1 and I just switched jobs.  Awesome reckless abandon there...sweet! 
  • Speaking of, Hotel Pannoni!  Best Bed and Breakfast in King County!!  Yelp it!
  • The night we bought our new car after Olive and I hoofed it from Contintental Garage in 117 degree heat...with no water...uphill the entire way...
  • Vanessa (the neighbor) killing Sarah's hamster, Bear
  • Friday nights at the Paragon
  • Dwarf Pene.  Thank you Johnsons
  • Hosting Jessica's birthday parties - we need more of those.  I hereby request Jessica celebrates more than one b-day party a year
  • Chelan - 8 years and counting...
  • The countless visits in Damian's travel schedule, filled with bourbon, sports-watching, and ping-pong matches.  Olive loves his visits as well, so will Parker!
  • Treva quitting her job, going to school, getting a new job and liking her new job.  Crazy when that works out...
  • Did I mention Parker Jackson Totten yet? 
  • In Bellevue, after a late night out with friends and/or just ourselves, nothing beat fast food on the drive home.  We never do that anymore.  And we should.  I'm going to start again.  It's my FY'12 (Microsoft calendar) Resolution
  • Our first co-ed soccer match, where I convinced Donna Goins to give me a shot and I didn't trip on or over myself in the entire game, earning a repeat invitation "so long as I paid season dues."  What great friends and good memories we have with our soccer group, love those guys!
  • All construction phases...pain in the form of dust and validated personal checks
The good news is, it only took me 18 years to get Treva to go out with me and only seven years to do some amazing things (see above).  Imagine the stories we'll tell on our 80th anniversary, am I right?!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Time really flies when you are having fun. So happy to call you guys friends. Sending lots of love and hugs to the entire Totten Family.
