

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Who needs sleep?!

We call this one "Sleep" - one of us wants it,
the other is supposed to be doing it....
Parker Tots is stepping his sleep game up - sort of.  He still maintains he has a fundamental right to be awake when he wants to be awake, even if that's at 2am.  The past few nights have been good though - he loses his cool around 8-9pm and cannot be convinced to slumber...but after that, he's a rockstar through the night.  Waking once around 3am to feed and then again to start the day. 

The mornings are always a lot of fun, well once he convinces us to wake up ourselves.  I've come to realize he wants to start eating before the construction begins - he wants to make sure our roof-building crew doesn't try and sneak any of his breakfast, kind of like "first dibs" or something.  After his breakfast, he's pretty alert, gazing around and making baby faces.  Pretty fun time to hang out with him.  Until The Man calls and I have to go to lame city (AKA, work).  Which is so overrated...

Any wagers on if this pose is a daytime or nighttime position?!
Treva's been trying to keep him up a bit more during the day as well, longer wake times.  That works - sometimes.  It is indeed amazing how significant the struggle can be to keep the little man awake during some feeding sessions, but as soon as he's done and we're changing his diaper, he's wide awake.  Treva swears to me she's still breastfeeding - with that said, I continually check for empty cans of Red Bull in the recycling bin with Parker's fingertips on them....

A few other loose ends / updates to comment on:
  • Still TBD on who he looks like - definitely has my nose and Grandpa Totten's chin dimple (from Grandma Totten's perspective especially).  He's got my clown shoe feet, and has some of the goopy stuff I used to get in my eyes in his right eye - so maybe more me than Treva at this point...
  • He hasn't grown any chest hair yet - stay tuned.
  • Fitting into his newborn clothes like a full-weighted newborn now!  Socks?  Too small!!  Diapers?  FILL THEM UP! 
  • His favorite food is still milk, his favorite color is magenta. 
That's all for now - be happy, be healthy dear friends and family!


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