On this beautifully windy Seattle Sunday night, we're reminded of what a quality life we live here on Team Totten! After coming back into town on Thursday, I took Friday off and was able to have a nice relaxing day at home with the family. We're working hard on keeping Parker on a schedule - and every day is a new experiment focused on measuring sleep / eating / wake-time to better predict nighttime sleep duration. That's a long sentence that states: we ARE going to get Master Fussbucket to sleep better at night.

To be fair to Tiny Tots, he's not a bad sleeper, all things considered. Only at night in fact is his pattern not exactly predictable at this point in time. Interestingly enough, his biggest fun factor comes in the form of appearing completely exhausted directly after feedings during the day, struggling to stay awake, only to get wide-eyed and ready to listen to some alternative rock and drink some rootbeer as soon as we get him near his crib.
Each day starts at 7am, when we're lucky...and it's all uphill from there! Breakfast in the morning, followed by coffee and wake-time with me, and you can tell...Parker wants to change the world after that first feeding, the sky is the limit for this kid! On Saturday, after the brunch feeding, Parker made his first trip to Ballard Avenue, pretty much one of five key milestones in his young life...Carte de la Oaxaca (as I call it) was his first touch-down spot in the tradition rich Scandinavian Heritage represented by the City of Ballard. Pretty cool "first Ballard" story if you ask me. My first trip to Ballard was to Fred Meyer. Infinitely less impressive.

Anyway, a solid lunch for us with the Huey's and Huhmenson and then....wait for it...FAMILY NAP TIME! Saturdays are awesome. I snuck a run in late afternoon and then I got my shower just before Tiny Tots got his bath! One of our favorite things to do, clean that kid up! He likes it too, we've discussed. At nights during the weekend, Treva lets me take one night to get up during the mid-night feeding so she can sleep and I get to slap a bottle in that mouth. Parker loves eating - almost as much from me. With that said, it's pretty fun to feed him, you'd think he was starving by how he gets after the bottle. Unfortunately for me, last night was not one of his best eating or sleeping nights, so multiple trips were required.
All worth it though because Sunday's routine is almost as nice as Saturday's - Breakfast...Church...Coffee / Bagels....Football....More Football. Today was particularly special as Queen Bee Amy was so kind to come over for a couple of hours at night so Mrs. Totten and I could enjoy our first dinner out and away since Parker was born. He missed watching football with me and I missed the many chances we have to belch together after snacks. We'll make up for both activities next week though, I promise.
Much love,
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