Wow, does time fly?! Two month check-up today, and the little man passed with flying colors! We arrived at Ballard Peds with high hopes that his weight was good, height was "on pace," and head circumference was quasi-acceptable. I'm proud to report that my son, little Parker Jackson Totten, is
literally completely
AVERAGE. 50th percentile in everything! I love an average kid. He's the best average you can find!

11 pounds and 13 ounces today, which is again, just a wee bit more than I weighed when I was born, and he's on the fast track to continual weight gain, which is excellent! More importantly though, in the long run, is being of average height. Did you know that I was a short kid? True story. So true in fact, that I used to complain and stress about it all the time as a child. So convinced was Dianna Lee (mother dear) that I would eventually hit what the papers refer to as a "growth spurt" that she bet me $100 that I would be taller than 5'5" (her height) by the time I turned 14. We signed a contract, on a post-it note. I still have the post-it note. I don't have the $100 that I won though. It wasn't even close either, I think I was at least 3-4 inches shorter than she was. Now, I don't expect Parker to be a giant or anything, but I really do hope he's tall enough to ensure that other kids won't be tempted to hang him on a coat hook in the 6th grade, perhaps by a kid like Joe French causing him to "lose his cool" when subsequent bullies tried to push him and spending numerous days / nights down at the potholes engaged in physical violence to protect his reputation....hypothetically. It could all be avoided if he were a big enough kid that the other kids wanted to befriend instead of put in a trash can. I'm just saying, he could live a simpler life - and isn't that all we can ask?!

Tough afternoon for Mrs. Tots and myself - the poor kid got his first round of immunizations today and I swear to you, the needle was bigger than his foot. And, per previous posts, the kid's got my clown shoes for feet. Anyway, we officially know what he sounds like when the cry indicates PAIN. He was okay coming home and getting fed - but when I came home at 4pm today, Treva said she literally had him snuggling on her chest for four straight hours because every time she tried to put him down, the little man erupted in that same pained cry. At 4pm, I got him and he's quite possibly the best cuddler in the world! But not in a good mood today! We let him sleep outside of his normal wake-time tonight over at Family Dinner w/ the Johnsons, only because he was literally wiped and in pain all day...the kid needed his rest! I have bottle duty tonight - wish me luck! With all the sleeping he did during the day today, there's an above average chance he won't be at all interested in a good night's sleep tonight! And if that's the case, I wish Joe French was here to stay awake with him....
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