

Sunday, September 11, 2011

To Camas we go!!

Home is where you feel the most comfortable....

A trip to Camas is always exciting - when it bookends a mid-week getaway to the Oregon Coast, it becomes exponentially more enjoyable.  This was our first trip down to Camas since Parker was born and frankly, we had no idea what to expect.  From the 2 hour and 35 minute journey, some things I learned:
  • Olive did not seem comfortable sharing the backseat.  She was a combination of what I can only describe as beleaguered and cautious.  She has a face for both of those, it’s hard to explain.  Needless to say, she didn’t understand why Tiny Tots got a blanket and she didn’t.  
  • Feedings every three hours means that by the time we get everything packed up, the kid has some awake time here in Seattle, we get on the road and gassed up….I’m forced, per the feeding schedule, to drive slightly over the speed limit down I-5.  This is the first time I have ever breached (okay…admitted to breaching) the holy limits recorded on the attractive and common black and white speed notifications posted along the corridor.  I did not feel good about it – but, I will sacrifice for my child.  The feeding schedule demands it, my child shall not starve. 
  • Lots of stuff.  I’ve erased that last sentence and re-written it four times now.  Previous popular entries:  “lots of crap”….”too much crap”…”where did all this stuff come from”….”seriously, should I buy a van??”
  • As soon as we made it...and we wanted to celebrate in the arms of loved's another feeding.  We're getting used to shorter salutations these days.
Clearly we made it, and Camas is still cool.  We stayed at Matt and Sarah's, and got to see what Parker will resemble in circa 18 months via his beautiful cousin Philip - or as I call him, "Bam-Bam."  We stayed in the nursery with Parker, which was a bad idea - the sleep was horrible, he did not have a good night.  It wasn't exactly a good omen for the rest of the trip.  The good news is, when he's not fussy and making all kinds of weird "I'm pissed off that nobody is holding me" noises....he's ridiculously cute.  You take the bad with the good, I'm told. 

First night we got in, headed over to Grandma Connie and Grandpa Bob's house for a good old fashioned family BBQ.  Lois Arlene was giving tours of her new palace, and she did better managing my taunts to finish her meal.  Bob built a pickle ball court - Matt and Stephen dominated the proceedings.  I'm positive that Matt does steroids...and Stephen, well, he lettered in pickle-ball in high school, so we knew what we were getting into there.  Old Man Terry was my partner - let's just say we're better at landscaping "sports" than pickle ball. 

Both Grandma's got to hold the baby boy, which is always fun - for him and for us.  It's neat to have everybody together on a random Monday night, very relaxing and fulfilling to have so many friendly faces and helping hands around.  It's great to see how Philip reacted to Parker, and particularly how he reacted when Sarah or Matt held Parker.  Whenever he gets his little brother / sister, he'll need to get used to that sight!  Also neat to just play with Philip - he's bigger than Parker, and you can letimately have a conversation with him.  Yes, there's a lot of grunting and pointing involved (from me), but he gets the "Go Do's" nicely.  What a fun way to start the vacation off!! 
Total relaxation, both of them...

Aunt Sarah not only helps Philip learn to read...she instructs him to smile at all times when reading.  good rule. 


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