

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Time for a Construction Update!

I’m attaching some pictures of the ‘struction that continues to march on as the weather holds out and apparently, work remains.  I shall provide this update in a series of Pro’s and Con’s related to Phase 3.5 of The 418: 

Treva and Parker sitting in Treva's new walk-in closet
  • Pro:  Team Totten has formally adopted Jordan, Brother Ryan, and Chad, all of whom have spent more time in my backyard this summer than Treva and I combined. 
  • Con:  They are early risers – the relatives that won’t sleep in….

Facing North - you can see the staircase straight ahead
  • Pro:  We’re going to get all new siding on the North and West sides of our house!
  • Con:  We paid for all new siding just twelve months ago on the North and West sides of our house.
The back of our house - sweet sheeting....
  • Pro:  There are so many support beams and straps being put in, this house wouldn’t be damaged in a Tsunami.
  • Con:  The “time and materials” required to Tsunami-proof the house most definitely costs more than any insurance policy covering the damage that a Tsunami in Queen Anne could actually inflict.  Fact.

The view from McGraw - again...sweet sheeting....

  • Pro:  My “rugged” deck, as so described by Chief Construction Officer Chris Schedler, has held up marvelously well under the weight of lumber, nails, and roofing materials.
  • Con:  The entire yard appears “rugged” now, stacked high with waste and the results of weekly demolition projects.
Olive plays "King of Mountain" in the backyard

  • Pro:  We’re going to get all new gutters for the house this fall!
  • Con:  We got all new gutters for the house last fall!
    The view out front of our bedroom, big windows!
  • Pro:  We were able to add insulation to some key outer walls that apparently, for the past 100 years, didn’t have insulation.
  • Con:  We had to rip off several walls to get to where insulation should be placed…and the question naturally arises:  who in the world didn’t put any insulation in these walls for the past 100 years?!

Standing in our bedroom, looking at the bathroom

  • Pro:  I’m still married.
  • Con:  The project is not complete yet….

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