

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's Wednesday!!

Only a short post today because it's been a crazy week, I've got a ton of things to take care of tonight, and Treva has me on a sleep schedule now.  Three key updates for tonight:
  1. Parker's two month birthday, TODAY!  How incredible is that?!  Two months?!  Seriously?  Look for a traditional "getting old" post later this week...
  2. Parker is becoming a trained assassin at his "wake-time" requirements.  He's so much fun, so expressive and happy during planned wake times now, it's pretty good stuff.  He sits there making all kinds of squeaks and peeps, looking all around the room, and his ability to find eye contact and keep it is better than two people on my team at Microsoft.  Awesome milestones with this new kid who can see and smile :).
  3. Parker's favorite color is beige this week.
Announcements went out last week, and my apologies for not having better content up for those who are just seeing the blog for the first time...I should have planned for more entertaining and/or relevant posts this week.  I promise on our next kid, I'll be more prepared.  Until then, focus less on the writing and more on Master Parker...


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