

Friday, September 23, 2011

Back in town, back to posting!!

I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to get an entry in – my commitment to excellence remains the same, and I shall blog every day for the next 20 days to make up for my almost two week hiatus.  I cannot vouch for the quality of the posts, but The People deserve more Tiny Tots and I shall deliver. 

Now, onto the goods.  Some quick updates since the last post:
  • We have officially graduated from a Size NB diaper to Size 1.  Kind of a big deal.  Seeing much less spillage when the man “takes his talents to South Beach.”  Kind of a laundry saver.  Kind of a happier parental set as a result. 
  • Parker has not figured out how to use the internet yet.  That I know about anyway. 
  • 4 Sounders games are under his belt and we have determined he’s more of a lucky charm than a curse.  Two of the games have been afternoon sunners, so the man gets a little cranky in his pouch with the heat.  That’s easy enough to fix – take him out and get some breeze on him.  What’s not easy to fix?  The lack of any Sounder to reliably finish a freaking Penalty Kick.  I talk about this so frequently at Sounders games in fact, Parker has asked we give him sound cancelling head phones at the games….
  • Parker’s cries are becoming more distinct now – we can tell the ones where he’s just flirting with his vocal cords vs. when he’s legitimately interested in punching somebody or something in the face.  We are seeing more of the former than the latter for the first time since we began deciphering the two, which is pretty neat. 
  • Tiny Tots said his first word – it’s “Hi.”
  • Olive the Beagle said her first word this week as well – it was “please ask the small noisemaker to leave my house at his earliest convenience.”

I was out of town for three days this week, my first trip since Parker was born.  It was very hard to be away, I suppose not surprising given how darned good looking the kid is, right?  Treva had her hands full the entire week but she carried on heroically and obviously continues to retain the belt as Parker’s “favorite.”  I’m coming on fast and furious though.  Today, I let Parker fall asleep on me not once, but twice (rules be damned) AND we watched a solid 30 minutes of the Charlie Sheen Roast.  I’ve got “the cool one” written all over me at this point – still can’t breastfeed though.  The laws of life are against me…


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