Do not think for a minute that a Wednesday night red-eye to Chicago for me and wine night for Treva means we're going to forgo the routine we're establishing with Tiny Tots! Discipline is key around here, and it all starts with a schedule. The man eats, then it's some serious wake-time. And then, he
shall sleep. It's all good when it works. But even if it doesn't, the schedule is the framework for which all activities will reside within! If nothing but to set the precedent that we will not compromise THE FRAMEWORK!

Which is the beginning of a long line of deliberations and debates surely to take place in The 418 as Parker grows in age and boundary-pushing-curiosity. So whenever you've got some negotiations happening from the bottom up (well, middle management since technically, Olive would be the entry level and she's not very good at articulating her position), it's crucially important to establish a unified front line to listen, provide empathy for said requests outside of the framework, and then systematically shoot down anything in the realm of ridiculousness. That's best case scenario. Worst case scenario? A divided leadership team - Mrs. Tots on one side, yours truly meandering about on the other. So who becomes the disciplinarian in this family unit, who fits the better good cop / bad cop role? I have my thoughts....and it's not looking good for Tiny Tots....
I'm off to middle America while the rest of the world sleeps. Be amazing all you interwebbers, use your powers for good.
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