

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Well, we can change the tagline...

It appears it has been a few days since my last post - my apologies.  A few things have changed since we last checked in:
  • The tagline of the blog has changed.  Which is kind of a big deal.
  • We have the carseat officially installed in the backseat.  And not by some clown in Ballard either - by Gregory Huey.  Feels pretty official to me.
  • Treva lost some weight.  Normally, with three weeks to go, that's not a good thing.  But...
  • Tiny Tots IS HERE!! 
I created this blog so that I could remember all the things I wanted to remember about this entire experience, this process.  Well that, and to post a bunch of pics for the grandmas to celebrate the beauty that is their genetic lineage.  I'm not going to recap the story of how Tiny Tots got here because I'm pretty sure those memories won't ever let me down, and I still do not know the medical or theological reason why he decided to come so early.  But I do know that he's perfect.  I mean, to the millimeter...perfect.  If you haven't seen this kid yet....buckle up.  He's...amazing.  And The Wife?  You gotta be kidding me - talk about special.  Where panic and pain could have set in, she stayed strong, dedicated her love and energy to Tiny Tots, and was unbelievably peaceful and had that euphoric smile we're both getting used to seeing in the mirror throughout it all.  And I don't think it was the meds.  She's an amazing woman - and is already an exceptional mother. 

Last update, then more later:  Tiny Tots is Parker.  Parker Jackson Totten, formally.  "Master Parker" is here....


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