

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Two Weeks in...

Two weeks down, the kid is still ours - nobody has come to take him away, so that has to be a good sign.  We're learning as we go, lessons too numerous to type.  Babies are fascinating creatures - which is quite surprising given the fact they do very minimal beyond eating, sleeping, and dirtying diapers.  He smiles though, and he grunts a lot...and he twitches in his sleep, just like his old man.  He's figured out he has hands now, but he's unclear of how he can use them to get more milk and/or make obscene gestures at the dog.  Stay tuned for an update on that evolution, I'm sure. 
Two week check-up went swimmingly well.  He weighed in at a nice round number of 7 lb's, which is a full pound heavier than his birth weight and basically a single lb past where he was a week ago.  We have chosen our Pediatrician, Dr. Hall at Ballard Peds - who was spooked enough by the weight gain to feel compelled to tell us that a pound in a week "is not too much, so don't panic."  Apparently, he's a good eater.  But not officially obese.  So, he's got that going for him, which is nice.  Treva and I can tell his cheeks are filling out and his newborn diapers just about fit him perfectly now.  The "0-3 month" onesies still sag though, he can't wait to get into that Sounders kit!

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