

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

There's absolutely a first of everything!!

Little Parker Tots continues to explore the world, irrespective of any semblance of a circadian rhythm.  It's actually kind of ridiculous how cool his life is, only a couple of weeks in.  Places he's been, things he's seen:

  • First Seattle Sounders game - he's way too small to fit any of the sweet Sounders gear he's been gifted by our amazing friends, but he certainly knows enough to understand Fernandez shouldn't be taking our Penalty Kicks. 0-0 draw against Chivas wasn't "best case scenario" for him, but I'm pretty sure he had fun nonetheless. Hanging out with Oliver, Jeremy, Rachel, The Fabers...I mean, that's a pretty good introduction to scowling at the ECS section.
  • Shannon Parks Bettesworth Johnson (the First) was so kind to contact Bethany on Parker's arrival and he got a beautiful rose and a callout in the Sunday bulletin last week. The first time his name was officially in print, by the way - hopefully in the future, he only gets published for things surrounding his unquenchable desire for community building and providing positive impacts to society as opposed to things I may have been "documented up" for.

  • He's a really, really, REALLY exceptional walker.  Way better than Olive the Beagle.  I think there's a couple of factors that drive this excellence - namely, that he doesn't actually walk.  That, and he's basically asleep and all cock-headed in the stroller because his noggin is too small for that Gracco baby-safety-measure he's strapped down within. 
  • First trip to Rainier Avenue too.  I mean, does anybody forget their first trip to Rainier Avenue?  We kept his head down, found the beautiful home of Andrew and Sarah tucked up on the hill as they were hosting Quiggle's "rehearsal dinner."  I call it that anyway.  It was a BBQ with beers and he slept for the majority of it.  But, he woke long enough to make eyes at Bri, Karen, and Donna...mission accomplished from his perspective.
  • Starbucks and Noah's Bagels - a Queen Anne tradition on Sunday.  He requested reduced fat cream cheese (which was weird), but made no bones about making sure there was room in his venti Americano.... 
  • He went to Ken's Market with me the other day.  Just me and him, me walking, him tucked like a football under my arm.  He probably won't remember....but it was fun.

We may lay a little bit lower here in the next few weeks.  If he's bad luck for the Sounders, that's going to be an issue.  And too many blueberry bagels...well, those grow straight to the hips, so he's going to have to pace himself on those type of indulgences.  But the walks / naps?  Those will probably continue....if you see us out, say hi and let the kid drop some baby noises on you!!


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