

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Routine has been set!

Camp Totten is in full swing here at The 418.  I will be the first to complain about how ticked off I was that our old couch from the Bellevue house didn't fit down the staircase when we finished the basement out.  Believe me, we tried - i have dents in the hardwoods and I had to spackle the entire wall of the stairwell as a result.  Then I had to hock it on Craiglist to some tattooed teenage rockstar chick for, and I mean literally...pennies on the dollar.  So yeah, couches apparently aren't investment properties. 
Anyway, I sat on a camping chair for awhile, until finally caving and buying this sectional - actually, Treva bought it and one day last year I came back in town from...who knows...and it was all setup.  Anyway, it fits in the basement.  And it sleeps two (plus one dog) quite comfortably.  We're been living down here - it's cooler than upstairs, there's a mini-fridge, a snack table, cable TV (with DVR), and Treva doesn't have to climb into the clawfoot to cleanse.  Feels like a strong hand we're playing with.

The routine is what it is - every 2.5 hours, the alarm goes off (even during the day) and the first step is waking Treva up.  I won't comment any further on that Mission Impossible.  Then, Parker gets the goods - which involves a quick unswaddle and stripping, me poking at his belly and blowing on his face, finally cranking the lights and a fan to circulate some fresh air.  If waking Treva is a challenge, keeping Parker awake for feeding is an Olympic sport.  And I'm basically world-class at this point.  There's burping and rotating involved, then a diaper change and re-swaddle.  That's if I can paw Parker Tots away from his mother, who by that point in the exercise has a goofy grin on her face and starts making gooey eyes at the kid.   

He's usually a pretty good eater though - always gets a little milk-drunk afterward, which is kind of funny.  That's followed by some pretty cute facial expressions where he literally falls asleep sitting up.  He would NOT do well in a Fraternity House at this point in time - lord know what his "brothers" would do to him in this state.  In any case, we have figured out he's a bit of a night-owl, clearly sleeping better during the day than at night.  Which makes the graveyard shift pretty miserable - yet the time seems to just fly by, and I can fall asleep faster now than I ever have before. 

But, when he's awake, we get the chance to give him his first bath....

Until next time, keep it clean...


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