

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Gigantic milestone this weekend!  Yes, the Sounders scored six goals including a converted penalty kick, both of which are pretty much unheard of.  But they did it on PJT's one month old birthday while he was in attendance!  What an amazing Saturday we had - breakfast with Treva, more breakfast and wake time with me, the standard Pre-Sounders drive-through meal and associated diaper change, 80-degree weather for the Sounders game (which leads to a sweaty baby boy and baby-being-held-tightly-in-front father), capped off by the best dinner EVER over at the Johnsons.  Family dinner at the Johnsons!!  We had bolognese, and CHEESECAKE!!  And Parker loved it all!  He was the 2nd best eater there - you get only one guess at who still holds the crown for best consumer of finely prepared cuisine in this household. 

Anyway, the little dude is getting older - see for yourself.  He'll be walking in no time!!


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