So as we are in this state of change in the 418, I hope that all our friends and family pour a little out for Olive the Beagle. The construction definitely throws us off our normal routines as well - but Olive can't even go to the bathroom on her own any more. She needs an escort, with the boys working on the house all the time and open gates galore. And then, throw in the fact that kid basically has carte blanche over any piece of furniture, including the floor, in the entire house, and Olive just has to deal with it. I often hear Olive muttering to herself...."That two legged hairless dog....gets to eat 8 times a day....gets to cuddle in the 'off-limits' bed every morning....craps wherever it wants..." It's not that she doesn't love the new addition to Team Totten - I think she's just trying to figure out how / why Parker gets away with so many of the things she gets scolded for on a regular basis.
Alas, there is an upside. With Tiny Tots on the scene, we take about six more family walks a week than we used to. And Olive, well, she's clearly accepted her lower hierarchical position in "the family," but she still is a charter member of Team Totten, and she knows it. I can't get the mail anymore without her gazing gushingly up at her hanging leash by the front door. Our neighborhood coffee shop, Bustle, has some of the most delicious caffeinated beverages on all of McGraw St., but also has free doggie treats. I can't even walk on that side of the road with Olive in tow without her starting to sniff my hand quickly followed by some pathetic sitting up and begging.

We've even noticed Olive has taught Parker a few tips and tricks as well. e.g., if you pee...the people will clean it up, so let loose....how to make clipping one's fingernails the most difficult task in the household...blankets are for chewing....sleeping is fun, just make it on your own terms...etc., etc.
So, overall, happy or depressed beagle? I think she digs the walks more than the unrestricted use of the backyard. But I think she wishes she ate more and got even remotely close to the same attention as Parker....well, more doggie treats necessary I guess.....