

Friday, August 26, 2011

Growing like a weed!

Well, a very, very busy week in the Totten household!  Parker is growing a lot these days - I personally feel like he's getting bigger every time I see him, not the frail little boy he was on day one any longer!  His belly button no longer looks like a Jackson Family roasted marshmallow, which is a good thing, he still has some hair, also a good thing.  He's getting chubbier by the feeding and his diapers not only fit him now, he's getting every little bit of utility out of that material.  We had a long talk today about the potential of changing his diet a wee bit - a little more veggies, a little less dairy.  He didn't seem interested....yet.

A really nice visit from Treva's family - Lois Arlene even took a turn at the wheel holding him.  She did pretty good, like she's done this before or something.  Good to see the Keller clan all in one place and all in Parker's life already.  I'm happy with that, and he's happy with that.  I asked him. He concurred.  We even got to sneak a quick picture of Great Uncle Gary holding the little man - which is a first.  Not for Gary, that guy loves babies as babies love him.  But for Parker - he's never been held by somebody from the village of "Oklahoma"'s somewhere in Eastern Africa, I think.  He claims its a state.  Either way, a pretty good lookin' pair we have here...

The little man still likes his walks, though it's still considered more of a "ride" for him.  He's almost fitting into his car seat now - almost.  Still swimming in that thing a bit, but he's safe (Greg Huey approved) and he only fusses quickly upon buckling and tightening.  Speaking of, he's earned the nickname "fuss bucket" from his old man.  I think he fakes it a lot though - potentially a drama major on our hands?  Other key updates this week:
  • Treva loaded him up for her first PEPS meeting this week, that's pretty exciting.  The moms all voted and Parker was named "best looking" and "most likely to succeed."  Okay, I made that last part up.  He finished 2nd in "most likely to succeed" - there's a six week old from a couple of Harvard grads who already plays chess.  He stinks at it - but he plays, and that's enough.
  • He still has a bit of a witching hour 9:30-10:30 at night or so, but he's also a really good cuddler during that exact same time.  We're playing it as close to the book as possible though, setting in some rules and trends that we won't break on to ensure he gets into good sleeping and eating habits.  This is harder than it sounds, and can be really frustrating at times because again, we will not break the rules.  Bend a little?  Fact.  He'll thank us later, and I'm sure all of the work for us will be worth it. 
  • Parker still hasn't said his first word.  I'll keep you posted.
  • His favorite TV show is "Man vs. Wild."  He thinks Bear is crazy, but appreciates his tenacity and critical thinking in challenging environments.
That's all from the 418 today, more tomorrow - it's a big day for the little man, let him eat cake!!


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