

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Birth Announcement Post

Oh, I do want to remember the birth announcement I sent to some friends and family the night of July 27th.  That's when we introduced the little man to the world...I want to remember that exact moment, forever! 

Friends, Family – it’s a long story. 

Yes, we are indeed a few weeks early and a bit of a hectic process actually….Tiny Tots just felt like today is the day.  So after some minor complications at “the house that has no roof” (AKA, our ‘home’) this morning, a quick aggressive and law-bending car commute to Swedish Medical Center, and some darn good medical attention from an unbelievable staff here….we couldn’t be happier to present Parker Jackson Totten!  We’re calling him “Taco” for short © Mollie Verhasselt.

Mom is amazing and in complete control – she’s unbreakable, this woman; baby boy is healthy – ten fingers, ten toes, two nipples, all that good stuff.  Special thanks to both Grandmas and Sarah Dawn for racing up here to help with mom (and the mess that is me).  We love you all – your thoughts and prayers today were felt and so greatly appreciated. 

19 inches, 6 lbs and .05 ounces, 10:48 am…handsome as all get-out!

Love you all –
Treva and David

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