

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can you really ever be "prepared"?

The only thing Mrs. Totten doesn't know when it comes to Tiny Tots arriving is that this blog will be up and running when he shows...everything else, she's got covered.
  • Baby Room, Check. You all should see the nursery - well, you all probably will see the nursery soon enough - but it's amazing! We're blessed with such beautifully generous friends and family, stocking our entire extra bedroom with bounties of baby goodness! From toys to clothes to diapers to some funky intertube thing that apparently helps's all there! Throw in Treva's outstanding "search-and-purchase" skillset put to good use on, and this child shall never be naked!
  • Dietary Requirements, Check. She's read at least five books on child eating and nursing strategies and while I'm pretty sure the majority of them basically just contradict each other, she's at least got a plan in place and I'm darn sure she's going to figure it out her own way anyhow. Plus, her own eating has taken some analysis cycles as well these days and I, for one, couldn't be more pleased that's she has taken such a fancy for macaroni & cheese and pickles, two of my favorite food group pillars!
  • Child Safety Controls, Check. We have a car seat. And now, we're meeting some certified expert who can tell us if we've latched that thing in the most secure and risk adverse position possible. This guy works in Ballard, so he can't be all bad - but, he's busier than most accountants in April, which leads me to believe he may want to consider doing this full-time. And there's only four people in the phone book who do this kind of thing. After Treva gives birth and we land this whole "sleep depravation is our new thing" thing down, there's a dollar to be made and babies to be saved here.
  • Husband Requirements, Check. I'm not a complicated individual, and I am good at taking direction....for the most part. And Treva? She's good at giving direction. That's part of why we work. She has managed to give me guidance on my responsibilities to the point that she's tricked me into thinking it's "coaching" rather than "mandates." That's pretty good. I know I shouldn't continue traveling - got it. I know where to park the car at the hospital - going to nail that one. I know that starting construction on our house remodal a month before delivery may be a wee bit too short a timeframe to ensure she's comfortable - that's my bad. The point is, I'm directionally correct with most of the coaching she's provided and I hope she can tell I'm a quick learner.

I'm not sure you can ever be truly prepared for the birth of your first child, but it sure is fantastic to have such an organized and thorough wife to help get us on the right track, and fast! Beyond being the soon-to-be best mom....EVER....she's so energized and excited for that little monster to arrive, the preparation just comes naturally. Plus, our friends are such good people, how helpful they've all been and how much sharing and guidance they've each provided. Even the guys, some of which are more lost than me, names not to be disclosed but you know who you are. I hope Tiny Tots has every bit of his mother's organization skills and we can only pray he'll get a little bit of luck with having as good of friends as his folks have together. That's not too much to ask, is it?


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